… What are people so afraid of?
In motivational bestsellers, Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson and Sheryl Sandberg's new book Lean In, the question has been posed "What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”
From that question has come thousands of YouTube video responses, even more posts on social media outlets, and years worth of facilitated group meetings. So I thought of my own question; “what could we do if we weren’t afraid of technology?”
Even today, in 2013, there is resistance to moving forward with new cloud technology. I have talked with many prospects about how they currently manage their virtual customer data and most of the time it ends with “well we don’t”.
We recently released a VMware version of our Alliance Key Manager. Alliance Key Manager for VMware allows enterprises to deploy virtualized encryption and key management servers in IT data centers, as well as the cloud.
So now we ponder “why are people afraid of this technology, and what could we help them accomplish if that fear was gone?”
Here at Townsend Security, we can see how some of our prospects and even customers are afraid of these advancements in technology. How in the world is this piece of software going to protect our business and our customer information? Isn’t it easier to reach over to your desk drawer, and pull out that sticky note with your passwords? Or to walk over to the server and manage your system internally? I mean, how do we really know things are going to be safe “out there”?
Well, we’ve got answers to those questions. Advanced technology. Product testing. Accountability. Solid reputation. Trusted products. Dependable support. Testing, testing, and more testing. These are just a few ways to describe Townsend Security’s solution to a virtualized encryption key manager.
As enterprises adopt public and private cloud storage, they bring their sensitive data with them – customer names, email addresses and other personally identifiable information (PII). While compliance regulations require protecting this information, encrypting this data has been a challenge for organizations who want the flexibility and security of a native VMware solution. By deploying Alliance Key Manager for VMware as a vCloud instance, customers can achieve their security and efficiency goals in a cloud environment.
We wouldn’t have advanced this far in technology, if we were all afraid to move forward. Our development team has worked long and hard to make sure your fears will be a thing of the past.
So go ahead already!
Listen to the Podcast: Virtualized Encryption Key Management to hear Patrick Townsend discuss:
The benefits of virtualized encryption key management
How organizations can use virtualized servers in their data centers and the cloud
Special compliance considerations for enterprises who virtualize their infrastructure
What Townsend Security is doing to help organizations deploy virtualized encryption key management
After the podcast you can request a product evaluation of our Encryption Key Manager VMWare solution for 30 days and test it out. We offer complimentary 30-day trials of all our solutions, and have a great team of people to walk you through the process… so you have nothing left to fear.