Townsend Security Data Privacy Blog

What are the New IBM i Security Audit Journal Events for V7R2?

Posted by Patrick Townsend on Aug 31, 2015 8:44:00 AM

Each new release of the IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) operating system brings the likelihood that IBM has added new security events to the security audit journal QAUDJRN. Version 7 Release 2 (V7R2) of the IBM i operating system was no different. There are four new security event types collected in the security audit journal. Let’s take a look at these new events:

IBM i Logging for Compliance & SIEM Integration PTF Operations (event type PF)
This new event type records significant Program Temporary Fix (PTF) operations. This includes operations like loading a PTF, applying a PTF, removing a PTF, PTF superseded, and other PTF operations. It also includes operations on licensed products. Saving, restoring, deleting, and installing licensed programs are included in this group. Because of the potential impact on on-going operations of your IBM i server by PTF activity you should monitor these types of events and forward them to your SIEM solution.

PTF Object Change (event type PU)
This event records changes to objects that occur due to PTF operations. These events are created when PTFs are applied or removed, and the event will tell you if the PTF object is new or changed. PTF objects can be database files, programs, IFS files and many other types of objects. Because of the potential impact on on-going operations of your IBM i server when PTFs are applied or removed you should monitor these types of events and forward them to your SIEM solution.

Row and Column Access Control (event type AX)
Row and Column Access Controls are new in V7R2 and provide significant new security features for IBM DB2 for IBM i. Users can now control access to DB2 information at both a row and column level. This new AX event records changes to column masks and row permissions including changes, additions, and removal of RCAC controls. Because row and column access controls are a part of your normal security strategy, you should monitor these changes with your SIEM solution.

Query Manager Profile Changes (event type X2)
This new security audit journal event type records changes to Query Manager profiles. The implementation of the event represents a radical departure from the decades-long definition of security audit journal types as it does not have a normal description file in library QSYS, and it does not have the typical format for security audit journal entries. You must use SQL and special steps to instantiate the information and monitor it correctly. Query manager profile changes can affect user rights to sensitive data and so should be monitored by your SIEM solution.

These are the new IBM security event types that were added to the QAUDJRN security journal in IBM i V7R2. You will want to be sure your IBM i system logging solution addresses these events and that your SIEM solution is monitoring them appropriately. Alliance LogAgent supports these events in the latest version which you can download through the normal update process.

IBM i logging for compliance & SIEM Integration

Topics: System Logging, IBM i, Alliance LogAgent

Encryption & Key Management in Microsoft SQL Server

Posted by Luke Probasco on Aug 21, 2015 9:27:00 AM

NIck Trenc - CoalfireThis is a guest blog by Nick Trenc, CISSP, QSA, PA-QSA, VCP.  Nick is an IT Security Architect at Coalfire Labs.

In any environment where potentially sensitive data is stored using Microsoft’s SQL Server, one of the key issues is how to best protect that data. Microsoft SQL Server does offer several security controls natively, but almost all of them require some sort of extensive configuration and management in order to be done according to security best practices. Additionally, SQL Server’s own security controls do face some shortcomings.

VMware Encryption Key Management PCI If using SQL Server’s own encryption tools, database encryption keys are stored right next to the data they are used to protect. This makes it easier for would be malicious users to capture both the protected data and the keys used to protect that data.

This is where Townsend Security’s Alliance Key Manager (AKM) comes in to play. Utilizing the built-in SQL support, IT administrators can generate, store, and manage keys within AKM away from the data those keys are used to protect. This enables separation of duties and dual control which are both best practices and requirements of several compliance frameworks.

Alliance Key Manager utilizes the Extensible Key Management (EKM) functionality of SQL Server (Enterprise Edition 2008 and newer) to centrally manage encryption keys. In addition, AKM also includes native support for SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) which can be used to encrypt all of the tables within SQL Server. Finally, AKM includes support for SQL Server Cell Level Encryption (sometimes called Column Level Encryption), integrates directly with the Windows Certificate store, and includes features for key caching and mirroring for high availability.

For more information on using AKM to specifically meet PCI DSS compliance within a virtual environment (but also applicable to most environments), please see the VMware Product Applicability Guide for PCI 3.0 published by Coalfire Systems with collaboration with Townsend Security and VMware.

VMware Encryption Key Management PCI DSS

Topics: Encryption Key Management, SQL Server

Does Alliance Key Manager Support Rolling Keys and How Does it Work?

Posted by Patrick Townsend on Aug 18, 2015 2:30:00 PM

Periodically changing the encryption key for protected data is a security best practice and a part of many compliance regulations like the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

This encryption key change is sometimes referred to as “Key rotation” or “Key rollover” and these terms mean the same thing. When performing a key change operation you generate a new encryption key, decrypt the protected data with the old encryption key, and then encrypt the data with the new encryption key. After the defined cryptoperiod for the key you archive or escrow the key and it is no longer be used. encrytion key manageament simplified ebook

More Information:
There are several factors involved in defining the cryptoperiod for a key. If you want to know more about defining cryptoperiods, you can get a good description in the NIST Special Publication 800-57 Part 1, “Key Management Best Practices”, section 5.3. 

Townsend Security's Alliance Key Manager helps you with key rollover by allowing you to specify a cryptoperiod for any symmetric key, and then automatically generating a new key for you at the end of the cryptoperiod. In Alliance Key Manager the cryptoperiod is specified as the number of days from the key creation date. At midnight on the last day of the cryptoperiod, a new version of the key is created and it becomes the default encryption key. The old key is retained and is fully active so that data can still be decrypted with that key.

Like most enterprise key management solutions Alliance Key Manager provides a user-friendly name for an encryption key, and a version identifier. The key name is a normal character name and might be something like Credit card, Human resources, and so forth. The name is meant to provide an easy way for a user or security administrator to locate and use a key.

In Alliance Key Manager the version of the key is called the “Key instance” and is a unique character string. When managing keys the key instance name might look something like this: TGV0IGZyZWVkb20gcmluZw==. Key instance names are always unique and a key may have any number of key instances.

The most recent version of the key is the default, or current, instance of the key. When you retrieve a key in your application, you can leave the key version blank and you will automatically get the most current version of the key. When Alliance Key Manager performs key rollover the new version of the key becomes the current version of the key.

Alliance Key Manager supports three rollover settings for each symmetric key:

  • Automatic key rollover at the interval you specify
  • Manual rollover that you initiate through the security console
  • No key rollover

Whatever key rollover strategy you decide to implement, Alliance Key Manager will provide the tools you need. You can fully automate key rollover, roll keys manually at your convenience, or dis-allow key rollover so that new versions of the key are never generated.

Encryption Key Management Simplified eBook

Topics: Alliance Key Manager, Encryption Key Management

FIELDPROC Encryption and Backup Protection

Posted by Patrick Townsend on Jul 31, 2015 2:18:00 PM

IBM introduced Field Procedures (FIELDPROC, or FieldProc) on the IBM i (AS/400, iSeries) platform in V7R1 of the operating system. It is a strategically important implementation and is a permanent part of the DB2 for IBM i database going forward. The FieldProc implementation is an event-driven exit point directly in the DB2 database and is invoked for most of the standard CRUD operations (but not delete). While the FieldProc implementation can be used for many things, IBM i customers primarily use it as a mechanism to automatically encrypt and decrypt data at the column level. It is now a widely adopted and deployed method for data protection on the IBM i and IBM System z Mainframe editions of the DB2 database.

IBM i FIELDPROC Webinar While the benefits of the data at rest protection offered by FieldProc encryption is clear, our customers often ask us if FieldProc encryption will also protect their backups. It is a good question because there are times when making a copy of a file with FieldProc encryption causes the data to be decrypted by the copy. So does DB2 data remain protected with normal IBM i backups?

Fortunately, the answer is Yes - your backups will be protected with FieldProc encryption when you use any of the normal SAVE commands on the IBM i platform including commands like Save Object (SAVOBJ), Save Library (SAVLIB), Save Save File Data (SAVSAVFDTA), Save Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ), and the various IBM Backup Recovery and Media Services (BRMS) commands.

While it is rare, I have seen some uses of the Copy File (CPYF) command to copy data to backup tapes or files. In this case your data will be automatically decrypted during the copy operation and will NOT be protected in the backup image. To save data in encrypted format ALWAYS use one of the IBM save commands, the IBM BRMS application, or any third party backup solution that uses the IBM SAVE commands.

Another related question that we often get is how can I verify that the data is actually encrypted on the backup image? This is a good question because security auditors often want an independent verification of the encrypted status of the data. One way to verify the encrypted status of the data is to use the IBM Dump Tape (DMPTAP) command to dump the contents of the tape after a save operation. Try saving the file without FieldProc encryption, then save it with FieldProc encryption enabled. The Dump Tape command will show the contents of the data and you can easily see unencrypted values or encrypted values in the dump reports. Note that you may need to turn off save compression in order to view the data with this method.

Another way to verify the encrypted status of data is to use the same procedure, but save the file or table to a save file (SAVF). You can then use FTP to transfer the file to your PC in binary mode and use a file viewer to review the contents. Unfortunately, you can’t use the Display Physical File Member (DSPPFM) command as it does not display save files. On your PC you might like to use a utility like UltraEdit as it can view data in the EBCDIC character format. You can easily determine that your data is encrypted in the save file.

Either of these techniques can be used to verify the encrypted status of your files when saved with FieldProc active. You can rest assured that your data is protected on backup tapes and images and that the encryption key is not stored with the data!

Townsend Security provides a FieldProc implementation in our Alliance AES/400 solution. It integrates seamlessly with our Alliance Key Manager solution which manages encryption keys through the entire key life cycle. The Alliance AES/400 solution is the only IBM i FieldProc encryption solution that is NIST validated for the AES encryption library, and which combines this level of encryption with a NIST validated encryption key management solution, giving you provable compliance with industry standards.

Backup data protection is a great added benefit to FieldProc encryption on the IBM i platform. I hope this discussion helps resolve any question you have about FieldProc encryption and backup protection.


FIELDPROC Encryption IBM i


PCI DSS Requirements 3

Posted by Luke Probasco on Jul 22, 2015 12:52:00 PM

NIck Trenc - CoalfireThis is a guest blog by Nick Trenc, CISSP, QSA, PA-QSA, VCP.  Nick is an IT Security Architect at Coalfire Labs.

For those protecting the front lines of our credit card data in merchant environments, few other things keep those in charge (as well as IT administrators) awake at night than the threat of a breach. Questions often arise along the lines of: Will my company be able to survive? What can I do to protect myself? How do I prevent my company from being next? And how do I limit any losses should it happen to us?

VMware Encryption Key Management PCI One of the key components to the protection of cardholder data at any merchant location is the use of strong cryptography along with just-as-strong cryptographic key management procedures. PCI DSS Requirement 3 outlines what the PCI council believes to be the baseline for strong cryptographic key management procedures and is a key element of any PCI DSS audit.

Successful key management with a strong cryptographic algorithm is the best place to start with getting encryption of your cardholder data correctly protected while it is contained within your environment. But key management can be confusing, difficult and downright impossible depending on the size of your environment. Figuring out if your keys are strong enough, or if they are rotated often enough or if they are protected from would-be hackers. On top of that, figure in the ever-increasing complexity of today’s business systems to include cloud, virtual computing, data mining, and others, the ability to quickly and easy manage encryption keys across several platforms and environments becomes key for PCI DSS compliance.

This is where a tool like Townsend Security's Alliance Key Manager (AKM) comes in to play. Available as a physical hardware security module (HSM), a cloud HSM, a virtual appliance (VMware) or in the cloud (AWS, Azure), Alliance Key Manager can help merchants meet PCI DSS requirements for encryption key management by creating, managing, and distributing AES 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit encryption keys all without the risks involved with clear-text key administration.

As a QSA, it is certainly encouraging to see a complete encryption solution that removes some of the worries of traditional manual clear-text key management procedures. AKM can relieve pressure to meet portions of PCI DSS Requirement 3 such as the need to render Personal Account Numbers (PAN) unreadable using strong cryptography with associated key-management processes and procedures (PCI DSS 3.4). It directly meets PCI DSS Requirement 3.5.2 to store keys within a secure cryptographic devices such as a HSM along with additional encryption requirements such as 3.6.2 – Secure Key Distribution, and 3.6.3 – Secure Key Storage. In addition, AKM can make PCI DSS Requirements 3.6.6 for Split Knowledge and Dual Control not applicable as there are no manual key-management operations involved. This (virtual) device is a useful cost-effective tool to help meet your PCI DSS compliance.

For more information on using AKM to meet PCI DSS compliance specifically within a virtual environment (but also applicable to most environments), please see the VMware Product Applicability Guide for PCI DSS 3.0 published by Coalfire Systems with collaboration with Townsend Security and VMware.

VMware Encryption Key Management PCI DSS

Topics: Alliance Key Manager, VMware

Which IBM i User Gets to My Log Collection Server and SIEM?

Posted by Patrick Townsend on Jul 10, 2015 10:44:00 AM

IBM i (iSeries, AS/400) users are often confused about user names in the IBM security audit journal QAUDJRN, and how they are reported to their log collection server or SIEM solution by Alliance LogAgent. To understand this it is important to know that every batch or interactive job on the IBM i platform actually has two user names: a job user name and a current user name (sometimes called the effective user). These two user names are often the same, but there are many times when they are different. Let’s take a look at some examples.

IBM i Logging for Compliance & SIEM Integration The IBM FTP server runs under the IBM user name QTCP as it waits for a connection from an FTP client. The user name QTCP is provided by IBM and is used for a number of network services. When an FTP client connects to the IBM FTP server and logs in, the job user remains QTCP but the current user is now the name of the actual user who logged in to the FTP session. If a user named BILL logged in you would then have these two user names:

Job user name: QTCP
Current user name: BILL

Both of these user names are recorded in the IBM security audit journal. You can see this information when you use the Display Audit Journal Entries command DSPAUDJRNE. Try selecting the job start event “JS” and you will see this in the output:

Entry Type Effective User Job Type Job SubType Job Name Job User Job Number Job Name Job User

But there is a big difference in the capabilities and security risk between these two users. The user QTCP is an IBM supplied user with no ability to log into the system, and the user BILL is an actual user whose authorities and capabilities are in effect. If BILL is a highly privileged user he will have the ability to do a lot of damage and may even be able to retrieve any database file on the system.

Monitoring both user names in your SIEM solution and retaining the history of the activity on these two users is critical for your security strategy on the IBM i.

In Alliance LogAgent we collect and report both of these names when sending information to your log collection server and SIEM solution in the Syslog format. When you look at these events you will see something like this:


If you are using the Common Event Format (CEF) that is preferred by HP ArcSight’s SIEM solution, you will see information like this:


If you are using the new IBM QRadar log event extended format (LEEF), Alliance LogAgent will send the information like this:


The “usrName” keyword is predefined to IBM QRadar and is the user credential that is monitored for anomalies and suspicious behavior. So it is important that the effective user be supplied in this case.

Both user names contain important security information, and both should be reported to your SIEM solution for active monitoring. Alliance LogAgent always sends both user names to make your monitoring and security strategy more effective.

IBM i logging for compliance & SIEM Integration

Topics: System Logging, IBM i, Alliance LogAgent

How Many Encryption Keys Should I Create to Protect My Data?

Posted by Patrick Townsend on Jul 1, 2015 10:30:00 AM

As a security architect, security administrator or database administrator, one of the first big questions you face with the encryption of data at rest is how to organize, plan, and implement encryption keys to protect that data. Should you use one key for everything? Or, should you use a different key for each application? Or, perhaps you should use a different key for every table and column? Or, should you use a different key for each department? It is hard to find good security best practice guidance on this topic, so let’s put some focus around this question and see if we can come up with some general principles and guidance.

How-to-Guide Key Management Best Practices eBo First, I like to start by identifying any applications or databases that contain highly sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, or other personally identifiable information. These sources will be the high-value targets of cybercriminals, so you will want to protect them with your best security. For each of these applications and databases, assign encryption keys that are not used by any other application or database, and carefully monitor the use of these keys. Your encryption key management solution should help you with monitoring key usage. The objective is to protect the highly sensitive data and the related encryption keys from unauthorized access. If you have multiple sensitive applications and databases, assign each its own unique key.

Second, identify all of your major applications that are used across a broad set of departments within your company. Since these applications span multiple departments and will have a broad set of users with different needs, you should assign each of these applications their own specific encryption keys. In the event one application or database is compromised, it will not affect all of the other applications and databases.

Third, the remaining applications and databases are probably those that are used by one specific department within your organization. You will probably find that most departments in the organization have a number of specialized applications that help them get their work done. In terms of raw numbers, this might be the largest category of applications. Assign each department its own set of encryption keys that are not used by other departments. You may find that you need to sub-divide the department and assign keys for each sub-group, but the goal is to use encryption keys for the department that are not shared with other departments.

Lastly, cloud implementations are a special category and should always have separate keys. In the event that a Cloud Service Provider experiences a security breach, you will want to be sure that your internal IT systems are not affected. Assign specific encryption keys for your cloud applications and do not share the keys with internal, non-cloud applications.

Over the years I’ve occasionally seen organizations create and use a very large numbers of keys. In one case a unique key was used for every column and row in a table. In another case a different key was used for every credit card transaction. Large numbers of keys present management problems, and probably lowers overall security. Keep the number of encryption keys to a manageable level.

The above guidelines should help you protect your sensitive data and easily manage your encryption keys. There is a summary table for the above guidelines:

Highly sensitive data and applications Assign and use unique and non-shared encryption keys. Do not share keys across application and database boundaries. Carefully monitor encryption key usage.
 Broadly used applications and databases Assign and use unique and non-shared encryption keys. Do not share keys across application and database boundaries. 
 Departmental applications and data  Assign and use departmental encryption keys. Do not share keys among departments.
 Cloud applications  Assign and use unique encryption keys. Do not share encryption keys with non-cloud, IT applications.

There are always exceptions to general rules about how to deploy encryption keys for the best security. The above comments may not be appropriate for your organization, and you should always adjust your approach to your specific implementation. Hopefully the above will be helpful as you start your encryption project.

Request the Key Management Best Practices How-to-Guide

Topics: Best Practices, Encryption Key Management

Configuring the IBM i to Collect Security Events

Posted by Patrick Townsend on Jun 23, 2015 8:09:00 AM

Our Alliance LogAgent customers often ask us which IBM i security events we transmit from the IBM security audit journal QAUDJRN to their log collection server or SIEM solution. There are several factors that affect which security events get collected by the IBM i operating system, and even which events are collected by Alliance LogAgent for transmission to your SIEM server. Let’s take a look at these:

IBM i Logging for Compliance & SIEM Integration When your new IBM i server is delivered it is not configured to collect any security events. You must create the QAUDJRN journal and the journal receiver as a first step. Then you must change some system values in order to activate security event collection. This is the first step in answering the question about which security events Alliance LogAgent transmits. It can only transmit the events you enable and you set these with the system values.

The first system value you must set is QAUDCTL. When you receive your new IBM i platform this system value is set to *NONE meaning that no security events are collected. You should probably change this to:


You now need to set the QAUDLVL and QAUDLVL2 system values to specify the type of events you want to collect. On a new IBM i server these system values are blank. IBM makes it easy to collect the security events through a special system value named *SECURITY. If you set the QAUDLVL system value to *SECURITY you will collect only the security-related events on the IBM platform. Of course, there are other events that you might like to collect. Press the F1 help key to view a complete list of events. If they won’t all fit in the QAUDLVL system value just add them to the QAUDLVL2 system value and specify *AUDLVL2 in the list.

You can now use the Change User Audit (CHGUSRAUD) command to audit users. I would suggest you turn on full user auditing for any security administrator, any user with All Object (*ALLOBJ) authority, and any user with audit (*AUDIT) authority.

You can also turn on object level logging with the Change Object Auditing (CHGOBJAUD) command. Be sure to specify all libraries and files that contains sensitive data. Do the same thing for IFS directories using the Change Audit (CHGAUD) command.

You’ve completed the first step in configuring security event collection. Alliance LogAgent can only report what you configure the system to collect and this first step defines those events.

Alliance LogAgent can also be configured to filter security events. The default is to report all of the events collected in the system audit journal QAUDJRN, but you can narrow these to a defined set of events. In the Alliance LogAgent configuration menu you will see an option to Work With Security Types. This will list all of the event types collected in the QAUDJRN journal. You can use function key F13 to set group patterns, or change each event. The F13 option is nice because it has a *SECURITY option that will let you set all security events on for reporting. Or, you can edit an individual security event to change its reporting status. For example, to turn off reporting of Spool File actions, edit the SF event and change the reporting option to No:

Send to log server . . . . . . . 2     1=Yes, 2=No

When you make this change Alliance LogAgent will no longer send spool file action information to your SIEM solution.

It is not wise to turn off the reporting of security events in Alliance LogAgent! You will always want to collect and report these events.

Setting the system values and configuring Alliance LogAgent security events are the primary ways you determine which events are transmitted to your log collection server. There are additional filtering options in Alliance LogAgent to include or exclude objects, IFS files and libraries and these can help you further refine the events that are transmitted.

IBM i logging for compliance & SIEM Integration

Topics: System Logging, IBM i, Alliance LogAgent

How Much Data Does Alliance LogAgent Send to My SIEM?

Posted by Patrick Townsend on Jun 19, 2015 8:27:00 AM

Our customers often ask how they can manage the amount of data that Alliance LogAgent sends to their SIEM active monitoring solution. It’s an important question because most SIEM solutions license their software based on the number of Events Per Second (EPS) or by the number Gigabytes per day (GBD). So managing the volume of data has an important cost benefit as long as you don’t undermine the effectiveness of the security monitoring!

IBM i Logging for Compliance & SIEM Integration There are some things Alliance LogAgent inherently does to help with the volume of data, and there are some things you can do, too. Let’s look at both of these areas.

First Alliance LogAgent reduces the amount of data sent from the IBM security audit journal QAUDJRN by extracting only the information that has relevance to security from each journal entry. Each journal entry has a 610-byte header and most of the information in the header has no security relevance. Then the actual event information that follows can can be several hundreds of bytes in length. The average journal entry is about 1,500 bytes in length. Alliance LogAgent extracts and formats the important information into one of the Syslog formats. The result is an event with an average size of 380 bytes.

That is a 75% reduction in the amount of data sent to your SIEM solution!

Alliance LogAgent also gives you the ability to meter the number of transactions per second that you are sending. The IBM i server can generate a large number of events and throttling the transactions with this configuration option can help you reduce and control SIEM costs. Additionally, it can also help minimize the impact on your network capacity. This is a great option if your SIEM solution is licensed based on the number of Events Per Second (EPS).

In the second category are things you can do to minimize the number of events that are processed using various Alliance LogAgent configuration settings. Let’s take them one at a time:

Selectively send journal entry types
The IBM security audit journal QAUDJRN collects security events and general system information. Some of the general system information may have no security relevance and Alliance LogAgent allows you to suppress the transmission of these events. For example, the security audit journal may have information about printed reports (journal entry type SF for spool files) that have been produced on your system. If this information is not needed for security monitoring, you can turn off the event reporting in Alliance LogAgent. From the configuration menu take the option to Work With Security Types. You can can change the option to Send To Log Server to No:

Send to log server . . . . . . . 2 1=Yes, 2=No

Hint: You can also use function key F13 to select all IBM Security (*SECURITY) level events for reporting, and turn all other events off.

Filter library objects
You may have many libraries on your IBM i server that are not used for production data or which do not contain any information that has security relevance. From the configuration menu you can create an object exclusion list to exclude individual libraries, or you can exclude all libraries and objects. If you take the latter approach be sure to define libraries in the inclusion list that you want to monitor and report. By excluding non-relevant libraries and objects you can minimize the number of events that are transmitted.

Filter IFS objects
Like library exclusion and inclusion you can define IFS file system filters. From the configuration menu you will see options for IFS exclusion and inclusion rules. You can even exclude all IFS directories (exclude the “/” root directory) and then add in the IFS directories you want to include. IFS filtering lets you define individual files or entire directories and subdirectories. The “/tmp” directory is a working directory and you may wish to exclude events from that directory if there are no relevant security-related events there.

Filter users
Alliance LogAgent also gives you the ability to filter certain users from reporting, too. You should use caution when implementing this type of filtering, and never filter highly privileged users. Alliance LogAgent provides a list of IBM user profiles that you might consider for exclusion, but you should review these with your IBM i security administrator before filtering these users. You can also add your own users to this list.

Filter QHST messages
The QHST message files contain important logon and logoff event information along with other messages that may not be as important. Alliance LogAgent lets you filter QHST messages to only include logon and logoff events if you wish.

Filter system values
Some of the IBM i system values have a low security value and can be suppressed by Alliance LogAgent. Alliance LogAgent provides a list of system values for your consideration and you can disable reporting changes if you decide they do not have security relevance. You can also add your own system values to the filter list.

These data compression, metering, and filtering options give you a lot of control over the amount of information that Alliance LogAgent sends to your log collection server and SIEM solution. These can help you control costs and minimize the impact on your network. The original information remains in your IBM security audit journal and system history messages file if needed for research or forensics.

Topics: System Logging, IBM i, Alliance LogAgent

Encryption and Key Management – “Bring Your Own” to the Cloud

Posted by Michelle Larson on Jun 11, 2015 9:56:00 AM

In this age of “Bring Your Own”, we see the acronyms BYOD (device), BYOE (encryption), and BYOK (key) showing up all over the blog-o-sphere. BYOK is a cloud computing security model that allows cloud service customers to use the provided server-side encryption software and (bring) manage their own encryption keys. Click to request the webinar: Encryption & Key Management Everywhere Your Data Is

The idea of encryption (cryptography) is almost as old as the concept of written language: if a message might fall into enemy hands, then it is important to ensure that they will not be able to read it. Most typically, encryption relies on some sort of "key" to unlock and make sense of the message it contains, and that transfers the problem of security to a new level – now the message is secure, the focus shifts to protecting the key. In the case of access to cloud services, if we are encrypting data because we are worried about its security in an unknown cloud, then why would we trust the same cloud to hold the keys without using a key management solution?

BYOK can help an organization that wishes to take advantage of cloud services to address both regulatory compliance and data privacy concerns in a third-party multi-tenant environment. This approach allows a customer to use the encryption technology that best suits the customer's needs, including the cloud provider's underlying IT infrastructure. For example, Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) is about protecting data-at-rest using server-side encryption with customer-provided encryption keys (SSE-C) or “BYOK”. With the encryption key you provide as part of your data request, Amazon S3 then manages the encryption (as it writes to disks) and decryption (when you access your data). You don't need to maintain any code to perform data encryption and decryption in S3. The only thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide to the Amazon Simple Storage Service. When you upload an object, Amazon S3 uses the encryption key you provide to apply AES-256 encryption to your data and then removes the encryption key from memory. When you retrieve data, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your data request. Amazon S3 first verifies that the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the data before returning it to you.

Important to Note: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. Instead, they store a randomly salted HMAC value of the encryption key in order to validate future requests. The salted HMAC value cannot be used to derive the value of the encryption key or to decrypt the contents of the encrypted object. That means, if you lose the encryption key, you lose the object.

Any time a company decides it wants to host its applications in the cloud, or use a SaaS application where the company’s data will be stored in the cloud, their IT security professionals have to ask a series of questions.

    • Can we encrypt the data? If so, who will have access to the keys?
    • How will we perform key rotation and manage the lifecycle of the encryption keys?
    • Is the cloud vendor using a proprietary encryption technology that prevents us from moving our data to another vendor?
    • If we use 10 SaaS applications, will we have to administrate 10 different key management solutions?

These questions are tough enough to answer when the data and encryption technologies are in a company’s own data center where it has complete control over everything. In many cases, if encryption is provided, the cloud provider holds or has access to the keys, which creates another set of problems for the end user. For one thing, a third-party having access to data in the clear is a violation of regulations such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GLBA and others. Also, customers have yet to establish trust in cloud platforms or SaaS providers to protect their data. There have been many high profile data breaches that make end-users nervous. Customers also fear the U.S. government will subpoena access to their data without their knowledge or permission. For companies outside the U.S. that choose to use a U.S.-hosted cloud or app, there are data privacy and residency concerns. Instinctively it feels a lot more secure to manage your own key and use BYOK instead of leaving it to the cloud provider.

A few things have become crystal clear:

  1. You need to know where your sensitive information is. Period.
  2. You need to know who has access to it. Not who you think has access to it, but who really has access to it.
  3. Wherever you put your sensitive information, you need to protect it. The most critical thing you need to do is to apply a strong defense in depth approach to data security, including the use of encryption and access controls.
  4. You need to be able to document, through audit logs and reports, who has actually accessed your information. This is true (and important) for sensitive data, as well as for compliance-regulated data.
  5. If you think that having your cloud service provider encrypt your data provides adequate security for your information, you probably need to rethink this.

It all boils down to this: When encrypted data is stored or processed in the cloud, the data and the keys must be kept separate and only the end-user should control the encryption keys.

Cloud storage options bring new economies and business efficiencies, but security can’t be ignored, and it can’t be simply outsourced to some other party. We believe that it is fundamental to good security to control all access to your data, including managing your own encryption keys. Managing encryption keys may sound daunting, but it doesn’t need to be. Our technology makes data security and encryption key management simple and straightforward. Our key management solution addresses all of the issues described above and can protect your data everywhere you have it stored.

Request the webinar: Encryption & Key Management Everywhere Your Data Is

Topics: Alliance Key Manager, Encryption, Encryption Key Management, Webinar, Cloud Security