Townsend Security Data Privacy Blog

Chris Evans – Security Blogger

Posted by Patrick Townsend on May 3, 2012 7:42:00 AM

blog writerI am on a new kick to share some security resources with you that I’ve found valuable over the years. I am not following any particular order or ranking people and resources by importance:  I’m just going to do this as the mood strikes me.

Let me introduce you to Chris Evans and his blog.

Chris works for Google, he’s a software and security geek, and is an independent sort. A lot of his work is technically deep, which is great for those of us who enjoy that sort of thing. But I also really like his world view.

Chris has a hacker’s mentality (in the good sense) and his values are lined up with making the world a better and safer place. He doesn’t avoid talking about his own mistakes, and believes that more information about security problems makes the world safer as it gives people the information they need to protect themselves, and it helps developers make their solutions better.  He also provides a lot of just plain good advice that anyone can use.

One example is a recent blog on web browser security. The blog combines some technical information, but it also gives you information about how to think about web browser security, and why some web browsers are better than others.

He also makes an interesting statement about browser security that I think has corollaries that apply to anyone writing software that needs to be safe. Chris says:

“The security of a given browser is dominated by how much effort it puts into other peoples' problems.”

For those of us who write business applications and security software, I would put it this way:

"In addition to everything else you do to make your solution more secure, you have to include other people’s problems in the scope of your thinking, including the unexpected ways they might use your solution."



Topics: security, Data Privacy